“On one occasion Rinzai asked a nun,
Well-come or ill-come?
The nun shouted.
GO ON, GO ON, cried Rinzai,
taking up his stick.
Again the nun shouted.
Rinzai hit her.”
This space is dedicated to guiding you back to your natural state of love—love for yourself, for life, and for the world around you. The journey of "coming back to love" is not just about feeling good; it’s about reconnecting with your authentic essence and embracing life with clarity, courage, and compassion.
The offerings on this site are designed to help you navigate the paradoxes of existence, find clarity amidst uncertainty, and embrace the wholeness of your being—mind, body, and spirit. Whether you are at a crossroads in life, longing for inner peace, or simply curious about the vastness of human potential, this is a space to inquire, to grow, and to come home to yourself.
The question "Well-come or Ill-come?" by rinzai, challenges us to consider our intentions as we navigate life. Are we approaching with openness and awareness, or are we burdened by judgments?
Rinzai's inquiry mirrors the search for *mahamudra*—the great posture of inner alignment. It is here that we truly welcome life in all its splendor. Zarathustra's principle of *asha* similarly calls us to live in harmony with the universe's natural order, fostering intentions that are constructive and enduring.
Conversely, "ill-coming" reflects a disharmonious state, akin to the Zoroastrian *druj*, where self-centeredness leads to harmful patterns. The nun's mechanical response exemplifies this disconnect. As Gurdjieff would say, she was caught in "waking sleep," reacting automatically rather than consciously. This mechanicalness is a common human condition—acting from habit rather than intention.
Rinzai's actions are a wake-up call, urging the nun—and us—to respond authentically from the heart. Gurdjieff emphasized self-observation as a path to awaken from this mechanical existence and achieve higher consciousness. By observing ourselves and breaking free from automatic reactions, we align with our true nature.
My Offerings:
- Dividual Sessions: Personalized guidance to help you cultivate a state of "well-come" through methods for the mind, speech, and body.
- Group Workshops: Explore collective growth in a supportive environment, challenging preconceptions and embracing paradoxes.
- Day of Embodiment: In-person sessions focusing on integrating body and mind for holistic transformation.
- 3-Month Container: A comprehensive program with 12 sessions and personal messaging support for navigating transitional periods.
- Retreats: Immersive experiences designed to deepen your connection with your true self and foster profound personal growth in serene settings.
By integrating these philosophies into our work together, we can transform your approach to life's challenges and personal growth. The goal is not just intellectual understanding but a lived experience of harmony and authenticity—a true state of intentionally well-coming life moment by moment.
If you're interested in my formal qualifications and experiences beyond practical work, reach out to me.