"Dance when you're broken open. Dance when you've torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you're perfectly free."

  • It represents the shifting perspectives and understanding of a person's mental state, behaviors, and experiences. For instance, a person might view their past trauma from different perspectives to gain new insights and facilitate healing. These different perspectives could come from varying theoretical approaches (such as cognitive, behavioral, psychoanalytic, etc.), or different levels of analysis (biological, individual, social, cultural, etc.).

    In philosophy, the "parallax view" could represent the necessity of exploring multiple viewpoints or philosophical stances to grasp the complexity of certain issues or ideas. It signifies that a single perspective is likely to provide an incomplete or skewed understanding of a situation or concept. This is especially relevant in areas such as ethics, metaphysics, or epistemology, where differing viewpoints can offer enriching and sometimes conflicting insights.

    The "parallax view" in both psychology and philosophy underline the inherent subjectivity of our perception and understanding, suggesting that reality is multifaceted and that our understanding of it can evolve and deepen with the exploration of various perspectives. It underscores the value of intellectual flexibility, open-mindedness, and the capacity for self-reflection and introspection. The Down-Under Approach to this would be by applying the principle of dance within the body. By exploring movements, guided and intuitive one is able to create the same effect by investigating in a sensory parallax effect - the same principles such as in psychoanalysis - hence the down-under approach! Thus meditative Therapy - as coined by Osho - is an important pillar of this work. All offers exist offline and Online.

  • This offer serves as a container to make sense of your current location in life. Included are 4 Sessions through zoom with their respected recordings.

    Whatever triggers are leading you to investigate your situation further we will use as gateways to deeper understanding. Typically these sessions are structured by approaching the mind (conceptual, analytic, psychology, philosophy, biographical, vision & orientation), speech (routines, commitments, structure) body (practices, embodiment, real environment & location) and the complete being (integration, celebration, conclusion in time) in this order.

    Besides this i offer single sessions through it’s complicated.

  • Based on the information of the Parallax Orientation this would be the following container.

    3 Months consisting of 12 Sessions - with personal text messaging for support and guidance. A deeper dive into your current need, longing and wish to establish the new. This will fit especially in moments of transitioning.

    Including in person meetings will be an addition if interested - which is not part of this offer yet definitely a recommendation. This would greatly enhance the journey in order to ground the work.

  • This Day of Embodiment is an investment into meeting me in person where we will work deeply with the body. A variety of tools will be applied tailored to what the process needs.

    This work is will be a mix of my tools and experiences - but it will be a slow immersion tailored to the needs and vision of our work together. Breathwork, Embodiment Work, Dance, Meditation, Encounter and other methods & tools will be applied. The development of this day can be considered more in terms of a personalized ritual which will be designed specifically.

  • This is a specific offer for those who have gone through intense psychedelic/ritualistic experiences and need support and guidance. Sometimes these experiences lead into a spiritual crisis which is an intense time of loss of meaning and simultaneously a deep search for meaning.

    My experience has shown that especially people that participated in long format stays in cultures where psychedelics are a norm (south america, africa..) and come back home it is very difficult to integrate into “regular” society. Thus what i offer here is something akin to a transitionary space or gateway - where i am facilitating and giving safety to recover and integrate. As i am based in Germany - People who live in Germany and Europe will be the once’s this offer fits bets - simply because the European Culture is pretty similar in itself. Overall the Transition from indigenous culture to a western oriented society is what this is about.

    Feel wellcomed and reach out to have a conversation about this.

  • These offers will be published in seperate landing pages here in the navigation next to “my offerings”.